Tick-Safe Community Presentations
Tick-Safe Strategies for Outdoor Activities in NH
The NH Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Climate and Health Program and Tick Free NH had sponsored community presentations on tick-safe practices: Tick-Safe Strategies for Outdoor Activities in NH. These community presentations encouraged the community to build regional capacity to identify and adopt evidence-based tick-safe prevention strategies to enhance community health, avoid disease, and improve health equity. This program’s sponsorship is no longer active. If you are interested in a community presentation, our trainers will be made aware of your request and will be scheduling with their personal availability until we are able to resume sponsorship.
Who Should Attend?
Community members interested in learning about ways to reduce exposure to ticks and prevent tick bites for themselves, those in their care or place of business.
UNH Extension – Online Tick Training
The goal of the course is to teach individuals basic knowledge of ticks and what to do to better protect themselves from tick borne diseases. Learners are introduced to core concepts in tick identification, tick habitat identification, tick morphology, life cycles and biology, and important strategies for reducing the risks associated with ticks.